Fish, Chips & Mushy Peas

Fish, Chips & Mushy Peas

Fish, Chips & Mushy Peas

For those of us that grew up eating fish fingers pre-vegan sometimes the cravings are there. Even though I think it’s more about the fried batter, crispy French Fries and creamy Tartar Sauce. If you like less processed foods thre are tons of recipes out there for fried fish tofu ( I have yet to make one) or you can grab a bag of Gardein Fishless Filets! The recipes below include homemade Tartar Sauce and Mushy Peas. I love the fries served with Malted Vinegar.

Serves 2



6 Gardein Fishless Filets

2 servings of Steak Cut Frozen French Fries

Tartar Sauce

1 cup of Vegenaise or Vegan Mayo

Juice from 1/2 a Lemon

1 Dill Pickle finely chopped ( I use Bubbies)

1 Tbsp of chopped Dill

Salt & Pepper to taste

Mushy Peas

1 1/2 cups of Frozen Sweet Peas

1 Tbsp of Vegan Butter

1/3 cup Unsweetend Plant Milk

1/2 tsp of Garlic Powder

1/2 tsp of Onion Salt

Salt & Pepper to taste


1. Heat the Peas in a small pot along with with the Butter, Milk and seasonings until peas are very soft

2. Mash the Peas using a potato masher or hand blender until creamy. Keep warm

3. Mix together the ingredients for the Tartar Sauce and refigerate until ready to use. (Can be made the day before for better flavor)

4. Bake the Fishless Filets and Fries according to package directions

5. Serve with Tartar Sauce, Ketchup, Fresh Lemon wedges and Malted Vinegar
